10,000 Horas: Diario de montaje. Ensayos 30.Abril.2015
10,000 Horas: Diario de montaje. Ensayos 21.Abril.2015
10,000 Horas: Diario de montaje. Ensayos 20.Abril.2015
10,000 Horas: Diario de montaje. Ensayos 19.abril.2015
Putting it together (sobre hacer teatro)
En el manual del maestro Alonso Alegría encontré la letra de esta música que de muchas maneras expresa lo que es hacer teatro. Usualmente no cuelgo videos en el blog (¿existirá una palabra para eso? ¿»yutuviar»?) pero creo que vale la pena.
Aquí va la letra (iba a subrayar las partes que más me gustaban, pero me di cuenta que sería casi todo):
Bit by bit
putting it together…
Piece by piece—
Only way to make a work of art
Every moment makes a contribution,
Every little detail plays a parts.
Having just a vision’s no solution,
Everything depends on execution
Putting it together—
That’s what counts
Ounce by ounce!
Putting in together—
Small amounts
Adding up to make a work of art.
First of all you need a good foundation,
Otherwise it’s risky from the start.
Having just a vision’s no solution,
Everything depends on execution.
The art of making art
Putting it together
bit by bit…
Link by link,
Dot by dot,
Building up the image,
Shot by shot,
Piece by piece.
Working out the vision night and day.
All it takes is time and perseverance,
With a little luck along the way,
Everything depends on preparation—
Even if you do have the suspicion
That it’s taking all your concentration—
The art of making art
Is putting it together—
Bit by bit—
Link by link—
And that
Is the state
Of the
Stephen Sondheim
Sunday in the Park with George